
Final Cut

  After months of work and a hard struggle learning new things about media and constant reshoots with me and my fellow team mates who all put in hard work i present my final cut of our As media studies project. Video can be viewed on this link below:

Creative Critical reflection[CCR]

 Q1: How does your product challenge conventions and how it represents social groups   Q1 Answer will be provided in this link: Q2: How does your product engage with the audience and how it would be distributed as real media text? Q2: Answer will be provided in this link: Q3: How did your production skills develop through this project? Q3 Answer will be provided in this link: Q4: How did you integrate different types of technologies hardware, software, and online in this project? Q4: Answer will be provided in this link:

Extra footage behind the Scenes

  Here is a picture of my team mate akbar being tied in the chair after a while of us trying to make it look more realistic this scene took long to film as we kept laughing in between and could not keep our faces straight.

Refinements and Changes

  After a long discussion with my team members we had discussed we have to reshoot the kidnapping scene as there were many errors with the acting and the location. As in the location of our rough cut it was in a public place making it not look very realistic so we needed a private place and one of the actors was smiling. As how can kidnapping be depicted in a public place where people are everywhere that does not seem realistic enough. So we changed the location to where no one was there and also improved are camera angles and shot with a drone giving a much better view and also improved the acting as acting was a problem for us. So overall in the end we completely changed the whole kidnapping scene which took lots of time and much more effort. 

Rough Cut of film scene

 This was our first attempt of making the film opening scene this took us a very long time as we were not very experienced but this was our rough cut it can be viewed on the link down below.                                                    


 The film that inspired me to chose the action genre was the movie abducted as it has a very similar plot it shows a war heros daughter that gets kidnapped and he goes back to save her as our scene shoes an ex military mans best friend that gets kidnapped and he goes back to save him. I find these types of plots very entertaining and this inspired me to choose this plot this is the movie Abduction down below.

Codes and conventions

  Media codes include the  use of camera, acting, setting, mise en scene, editing, lighting, sound, special effects, typography, colour, visual composition, text and graphics . These are important to films because conventions are what makes a film known and recognisable without codes and conventions films would not be the same. Media codes are the physical elements that audiences experience which brings narrative conventions to the media forms.